e7 guitar chord. Barre Voicings. e7 guitar chord

 Barre Voicingse7 guitar chord  Place your 3rd finger on the 3rd fret of the A string

It is produced by taking the root (1), 3, 5 and b7 of the E Major scale. Some Quick E7 Chord Theory. A basic major chord consists of the root note, the 3rd, and the 5th, so a G chord would be made up of the notes G, B and D, while a minor chord is formed by the root, minor 3rd and the 5th, so a G minor chord is G, Bb and D. E Dominant seventh chord attributes: Interval positions with respect to the E major scale, notes in the chord and name variations:. Pinky finger on the B string of 3rd fret. E7/B, E7/G# and E7/D are inversions of the chord. What is E7 on the guitar? April 14, 2022. Easy Chord Variation. Take a look at our video tutorials. In music, the dominant 7 ♯ 9 chord ("dominant seven sharp nine" or "dominant seven sharp ninth") is a chord built by combining a dominant seventh, which includes a major third above the root, with an augmented second, which is the same pitch, albeit given a different note name, as the minor third degree above the root. Also known as an altered chord, It’s a dominant 7 chord which includes one or more alterations to its diatonic chord tones. but just a couple weeks ago, realized that minor pentatonic sounds awful over a major chord, so i have since switched to. An E major triad is spelled E G# B, as shown in Example 1, and an E7 chord contains the notes E, G#, B, and D ( Example 2 ). View our Em7 guitar chord charts and voicings in Standard tuning with our free guitar chords and chord charts. Form the E major shape, take away the 3rd finger, and boom! You have the E7 chord. Show me scales. Place your 3rd finger on the 4th string/2nd fret. 10 Ways To Play The A7#9 ChordJust enter one or more chord symbols separated by commas into the search box and hit "Go" and JGuitar will draw chord diagrams for each of the chord symbols entered. B. If you are looking for the E7 (#5) chord in other tunings, be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page. The secret to learning right handed guitar chords. October 8, 2022 by Jennifer Jones Seventh chords are an amazing way to provide a fuller sound with more character, but for those who don’t understand them, they might be. Place your 2nd finger on the 4th string/2nd fret. E7b5 chord charts for left handed guitar Chords related to E7b5 (enharmonic equivalents) E7b5 on other instruments. The E7 add(9) actually is a E9 chord. Place your 3rd finger on the 2nd string/3rd fret. Place your 2nd finger on the 3rd fret of the D string (4th string). To get E6 add C#. To get Emaj7 replace D with D#. Here’s how to play it. The E dominant seventh Chord for Guitar on alternate tuning Open D has the notes E G# B D and interval structure 1 3 5 b7 and has 7 possible voicings/fret configurations. Index finger: 10th fret of the D (4th) string. Sergio J. E7b5 contains the same notes as the E7b5 chord. Common abbreviations: E 11 Edom11 E7 (11) E. Ring finger on the D string of the same fret. To get E9 add F#. We typically build a dominant seventh chord from the fifth degree (note) of a Major scale. If you’re already familiar with the E major chord, you’ll notice that the E7 chord is almost exactly the same, but with one added note. The main presented version ( 022100) includes a tripled root, a third and a doubled fifth. View our E7 guitar chord charts and voicings in Standard tuning with our free guitar chords and chord charts. E6. The notes in E7 are E-G#-B-D. E7add9 chord diagram. If you’ve been following along, you know that a dominant seventh chord is. This chord is composed of the Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, and Minor Seventh. The B7 chord is produced by taking the 1 (root), 3, 5 and b7 of the B Major scale. The E Major 7 chord (also written as E Maj 7) contains the notes E, G#, B and D#. Place your 1st finger on the 4th string/2nd fret. The notes of the E Suspended Seventh guitar chord fall within the following key signatures. Show All E Chords Hide Chord List E major E minor E 7 E m7 E maj7 E m#7 (mM7) E 7b5 E 7#5 E m7b5 E 7b9 E b5 E 5 Power Chord E 6 E m6 E 69 E 9 E 9b5 E 9x5 E m9 E maj9 E add9 E 7#9 E 11 E m11 E 13 E maj13 E sus2 E sus4 E7 sus4 E9 sus4 E dim E half dim E dim7 E aug E/G# E/B E/D# E/D E/F# The A minor chord uses the pattern of A, E, B, C, E, while the Am7 chord can be unravelled with A, E, G, C, E forming the chord. You must leave out the 2nd and 1st strings. E7/B, E7/G# and E7/D are inversions of the chord. Just enter one or more chord symbols separated by commas into the search box and hit "Go" and JGuitar will draw chord diagrams for each of the chord symbols entered. GtrLib Chords App. Known as the E Dominant Seventh (sharp 9) or E7alt chord. FIGURE 4 illustrates a standard D7 arpeggio (D F# A C). E7(#9) is often referred to a the "Jimi Hendrix Chord". (Theory) The E7 Chord is an E Major triad (E-G#-B) with a minor 7th (D). Acorde E7 y escala de Mi7 con la guitarra. How to Play E Shape Dominant 7th Chord. E O7. E7 (#5) Guitar Chord | How to Play The E Dominant Seventh Sharp Fifth Chord. En este vídeo veremos tres. To get Emaj7 replace D. The Emaj7 chord is made up of the Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, and Major Seventh. The best keys to use Amin7 in are Am , C , G , F and of course anywhere else that it may happen to fit. To play, start by barring your index finger across all six strings at the 3rd fret. This is an alternate way to finger an E7 (b9) chord. Since there are 12 notes in an octave, that’ll be a total of: 60 7th chords. The chord is often abbreviated as E7. Inversions. Eb Dom. Whole Note E rootSharp Note G# 3rdWhole Note B 5thWhole Note D b7thWhole Note F b9th. 5 easy guitar chords with the root note E. We refer to this as a ‘open chord’ because it uses open strings. Click the pick to hear the chord. Here are 6 voicings of the E7-aug guitar chord, with a chord chart to each voicings' fingering. View our E7(#9) guitar chord charts and voicings in Standard tuning with our free guitar chords and chord charts. View our E7(b9) guitar chord charts and voicings in Standard tuning with our free guitar chords and chord charts. In standard tuning, you only need to fret two fingers to get a beautiful, deep E7. Movable VoicingsThe E7 chord—also known as “E Dominant 7″—is an E Dominant 7th chord that is an important guitar chord for you to know. If you are looking for the E7 chord in other tunings, be sure to. The intervals of the E9 chord are the root (E) , major third (G ♯) , perfect fifth (B) , minor seventh (D) and. A piano keyboard reference for the E diminished chord, abbreviated as Edim or E°. 10 Ways To Play The E6 chord. E dominant 7th flat 9th guitar chord is also written as E7♭9 or Edom7♭9 or E7 (♭9). 10 Ways To Play The E Diminished 7 Chord. Showing results 1 to 6 of 14 chord shapes. Chord Sound:The 9th chord is a very popular guitar chord in Jazz, Funk and Blues. It is produced by taking the 1 (root), 3, 5 and 6 of the E Major scale. The E7 chord is produced by taking the 1 (root), 3, 5 and b7 of. A chord's notes are often played simultaneously, but they can be played sequentially in an arpeggio. Showing results 1 to 6 of 18 chord shapes. To play this version of the chord, barre your index finger across the 10th fret of all six strings. The guitar legend Jimi Hendrix favored the chord, and you could easily get some Hendrix feel from your guitar by playing for example E7#9. com. Ring finger: 2nd fret of the E (1st) string. ) Place your 1st finger on the 1st fret of the B string. Finger position. E7 Chord Diagram. The tension is added by using non-diatonic notes in your chord. Just enter one or more chord symbols separated by commas into the search box and hit "Go" and JGuitar will draw chord diagrams for each of the chord symbols entered. ) E5 1=E, no 3rd, 5=B (a special type of chord with no 3rd) There is a lot more theory behind why these chords are spelled the way they are. E7 guitar chord notes/ build. Here are 10 ways to play E+7. First an example of the E7 chord. Guitar-TV: Gitarrenschule ohne Noten. The root note is placed on open 6th string. The Theory Behind The E7 Guitar Chord. C#m7. Place your 1st finger on the 5th string/2nd fret. How to build the E 7(b9) chord on guitar. On E7, play the notes in the chord (E G# B D) and for any passing notes (in between the E7 chord tones), use additional ones from the A7 chord (A, C#, G). How to play the E7 chord ( 'E' dominant seventh chord) and resolve issues with the E7' guitar chord. Search. JGuitar's handy chord search utility allows you to quickly draw chord diagrams for virtually any chord symbol. 1. Info. Here’s how to play it. 指板上のポジションや構成音(音源あり)、類似するコード、ピアノでの押さえ方も調べられます。. The notes of the E7 chord are [E, G#, B, and D]. Here’s how to interpret chord charts to get playing: The six vertical lines represent your guitar strings, from lowest to highest: E, A, D, G, B, E. Full name: E dominant seventh suspended fourth. Guitar Chord. E/D# Chord. This chord is great for blues and roots music. (Am7 simply swaps the “B” for an open “G”. The C dominant seventh inverted on E Chord for Guitar has the notes E C G Bb and interval structure 3 1 5 b7 and has 5 possible voicings/fret configurations. Next, place your ring finger on the 12th fret of the A string and strum all six string down from the low E string. (3rd string. The G7 chord contains the notes: G – B – D – F. In this instance, the Bb7 is serving as a tritone sub for the E7 chord we play in measure 6. Usually, beginners start by learning major and minor open chords. Chord chart diagrams for the E7 (#11) chord in Standard tuning. For alternate fingerings, click on the chord diagram. The notes that the Bm7 chord consists of are B, D, F#, A. (E7 shape. For over 950,000 charts and voicings, grab an account. Barre Voicings. Place your 1st finger on the 3rd string/1st fret. Form the E major shape, take away the 3rd finger, and boom! You have the E7 chord. To get E7 add D. Home » Guitar Chords » E chord » E7 Chord on Guitar, Piano and Ukelele – How to Play the Dominant seventh. View our E7 guitar chord charts and voicings in Open G tuning with our free guitar chords and chord charts. Download Now. It is produced by taking the 1 (root), b3, b5 and bb7 of the E Major scale. A Simple E7 Guitar Chord in Open Position. Minor 7ths can often be found in jazz , funk , pop , and rock . Search. Show me scales that sound good with a E7/D chord. Let’s learn how to play a few different formations of the E7. Whole Note E rootSharp Note G# 3rdWhole Note B 5thWhole Note D b7thSharp Note F# 9thSharp Note A# #11th. The E9 chord is a E dominant 7th chord (E7 chord), with a major ninth added on top. Consider the following chord progression, which is a ii V I in A Major. The swinging guitar rhythm was based on a four-to-the-measure quarter-note beat with ghosted eighth-notes on beats 2 and 4 to emulate the sound of a drummer's hi-hat. The Em7 chord is definitely a popular guitar chord, it is. Middle finger: 2nd fret of the G (3rd) string. Em7 Guitar Chord - Variant #1 Em7 guitar chord - variant #1. ) Strum ALL the strings. Lesson 6 - Essential Songs for Level 2. Full name: E harmonic dyad (power chord) add b7 Common abbreviations: E 5 add b7 Chord Sound: Chord Structure:With the CAGED system for (dominant) seventh chords you can play any seventh chord in five different positions on the guitar fretboard. E 7(b13) guitar chord: fretboard map of the intervals. Nine variations of E7#5 chord for guitar players with finger placement and audio samples. You can play this chord by choosing some of the chord tones. In the key of G this would be Bb. A 6 th chord contains the same notes as a minor 7 th chord with a root note a minor third (3 frets) lower. In minor the third is flated compared to major. Besides that, faster changes are utilized in bar 9th and 10th. fr. E dominant 7th flat 9th chord. The intervals of a dominant seventh chord are root > Major. The E7 chord is the name utilized for the E7 harmonic triad, as indicated in common music terminology. Some chord charts name this chord as: E Diminished Seventh. Learn how to read chord diagrams. Shortcut: If you already know an open E-major chord you. Some Quick Em7 Chord Theory. How to play E 7/6 chord for Guitar in Standard tuning. ) Notice how the shape of a E7 guitar chord fits within a D7 barre chord. The E dominant 7th chord (E7) is built from a root note (E), a major third (G#), a perfect fifth (B) and a minor seventh (D):In this article, I cover the intervals in the 7#5b9 chord, the notes in the E7#5b9 chord, the chord’s resolution tendency and how, and when, to use the chord. If you are looking for the E7 chord in other tunings, be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page. The Em7 chord is produced by playing the 1st (root), flat 3rd, 5th and flat 7th of the E Major scale. For over 950,000 charts and voicings, grab an account . Show E7/B results in Chord Calculator. Showing results 1 to 6 of 16 chord shapes. Barre Voicings. Here are 6 voicings of the E7b9 guitar chord, with a chord chart to each voicings' fingering. Those are just the simple ones! If you learn the “behind the scenes” of 7th chords, it’ll be SO MUCH EASIER than memorizing hundreds of chords. Free chord guitar chord chart from GuitarTricks. The E dominant seventh suspended fourth Chord for Guitar has the notes E A B D and interval structure 1 4 5 b7 and has 10 possible voicings/fret configurations. (5th string. 7 augmented chords have a sharpened 5th degreenote, causing the need to be resolved to a different chord, due to the instabiltiy of the sharpened 5th degree note. Returning to the basic shape, if you release finger three you introduce the open D string into the chord, creating an E7 chord. To get E9 add F#. This next chords are E7 and A7, with an extra note in there to throw in so that it sounds more complex:. Show me scales that sound good with a E7sus chord. However, if you don’t. Pinky (fourth) finger – 2nd fret of the top E (1st) string. ) Place your 2nd finger on the 2nd fret of the D string. From there, slide your second (middle) finger onto. The open E tuning is a rather popular alternative for guitar slide players, but can work as a way to find new song ideas regardless of the style,. It is essentially an Eb chord, with an added flat 7. The guitar strings 6(E) and. Since Hendrix was known for his electrified and distorted tone, the E7#9 chord sounds especially nice. Strum 5 strings down from the A (5th) string, omitting the low E (6th string). E major E minor E5 E dominant 7th E major 7th E minor 7th E minor major 7th E suspended 4th E suspended 2nd E6 E minor major 6. In this article you will find out about the conventional E7 chord harmony on a guitar. It is in many ways, the go-to ‘funk’ chord. Here are five different ways you can play the Edim7 chord on the guitar. Violin. You must leave out the 6th and 5th strings. E7/6, E7,6. The music theory of the E7 chord, in brief, is: It is built by stacking an interval of a minor third over the E major triad. E chord guitar easy. Download the Free Guitar Chords Chart Pdf. Em7. by Joe Nevin. ) Cmaj7 guitar chord – as a moveable A shape. The E minor chord (just like all minor chords) contains the following intervals (from the root note): minor 3rd, Major 3rd, Perfect 4th (back to the root note). First off, let's talk about the E7 guitar chord. Known as the E Seven (sharp Eleven) or E7alt chord. Otherwise, read on to learn more about the E dominant 7th chord or E Dom. Dominant 7th chords have. Open 6 th Chords For Guitar. Theory: The E seventh chord is constructed with a root, a major third An interval consisting of four semitones, a perfect fifth An interval consisting of seven semitones and a minor seventh An interval consisting of ten semitones and the 7th scale degree. then select chord type (quality) from the list below. Ask most guitarists how to play the chord made famous by “Purple Haze,” and they’ll likely strum the E7#9 grip known informally the world over as “the Hendrix chord. In music, a guitar chord is a set of notes played on a guitar. You just remove your 3rd finger and. This chord is also known as: A Dominant Seventh. For alternate fingerings, click on the chord diagram. The E7b9 chord is often used when resolving to the A Major 7 chord. 3: D: 4: 7th fret fr. E7#9 Guitar Chord (the Hendrix chord) This chord is made up of the Root, Major Third, Perfect Fifth, Minor Seventh, and Sharp Ninth. . The below diagrams show you how to play the E7 chord in various positions on the fretboard with suggested finger positions. Full name: E major seventh Common abbreviations: E maj7 E+7 EM7 E +7 E M7 EΔ7 E Δ7 Chord Sound: Chord Structure: Notes: E: G#:🛒 Basic Chord book how to play E7 chord on acosutic guitar in this absolute beginners guitar lesson 📢Other 7th Chords for abso. Place your 2nd finger on the 5th string/2nd fret. Place your middle finger on the 2nd fret of the D (4th) string, your ring finger on the 3rd fret of the B (2nd) string, and your pinky finger on the 3rd fret of the E (1st) string. Second (middle) finger – 2nd fret of the A (5th) string. The Eb7b9 chord (E flat dominant 7 flat 9) contains the notes Eb, G, Bb, Db and Fb. The chord identifier knows most types of chords: major, minor, augmented, diminished, 7th chords (7, maj7, m7, m(maj7), dim7, 7b5, 7#5, m7b5), ninth chords, eleventh chords, 13th chords, sixth chords and suspended chords. B7 is short for B dominant 7. E7-5 chord diagram. E7 Everywhere. The following is an example of how to calculate a C7 chord. A harmonic minor scale harmonized 7th chords. A way to decrease the chord movement between E7 and A7 is to instead play A7 as xx3555. Now an F7 is otherwise known as a dominant seventh , and to make a dominant seventh chord we use the formula; root, major third, fifth, and minor seventh. Just enter one or more chord symbols separated by commas into the search box and hit "Go" and JGuitar will draw chord diagrams for each of the chord symbols entered. The chord formula for a 7 chord (dominant 7th) is 1 - 3 - 5 - ♭ 7. Middle finger: 2nd fret of the D (4th) string. For over 950,000 charts and voicings, grab an account. Place your third finger (ring) on the 3rd fret of the B string. The common 7th guitar chords variations are major, minor, dominant, major seven flat 5, and diminished 7. The chord that opens this riff has many challenges. Let the rest of the strings ring open. E7 Chord Video. Download the tab & notation for this guitar chord lesson. E major sixth Chord for Guitar has the notes E G# B C# and interval structure 1 3 5 6 and has 4 possible voicings/fret configurations. What is E7 chord on guitar? A standard E chord is made up of the notes E, G#, and B. Note that dominant 7th chords can also be referred to as major minor seventh chords, because. Download GtrLib Chords app to view all the positions of E diminished 7th chord on the guitar along with audio demonstration of the chord at each position. It is produced by taking the 1 (root), 3, 5, b7 and #9 of the Eb Major scale. 1froo1124Barre 3 with Finger 1DEFG#BD. E dominant 7th chord's alternative names: Edom7, (E septim). If you are looking for the E7 chord in other tunings, be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page. Show me scales. June 25, 2018. Example 3 shows how to get to Emaj7 from open E chord. The first fingering is an. If you see an X above a string, it. The F shapes in Exs. C#m11. e7 #9のハイコードを含めた3つのコードダイアグラムを掲載するギターコードブック。指板上のポジションや構成音(音源あり)、類似するコード、ピアノでの押さえ方も調べられます。Aka: Edom11 E7 (11) The E dominant eleventh Chord for Guitar has the notes E G# B D F# A and interval structure 1 3 5 b7 9 11 and has 7 possible voicings/fret configurations. The solution is to place the capo at. E major E minor E5 E dominant 7th E major 7th E minor 7th E minor major 7th E suspended 4th E suspended 2nd E6 E. Show E/G# results in Chord Calculator. Show E7sus2 results in Chord Calculator. 2: E: 1: 5th fret fr. Drums M S. The E diminished 7th chord, abbreviated as Edim7 or E°7, has the notes E , G , B♭ and D♭ . Some chord charts name this chord as: Eb Dominant Seventh. No guitar diagrams created yet for this chord. The A minor chord contains the notes A, C and E. E7D Guitar Chord. For over 950,000 charts and voicings, grab an account. For the 020100 fingering: long (2nd) finger on 5th string, 2nd fret, index (1st) finger on 3rd string, 1st fret. With this chord, you play all six strings. E/G# chord diagram. The notes in the E6 chord are E, G#, B, and C#. Find more shapes on my all guitar chords online library. Other guitar chords with E as the root note. The D is the key note here. Place your 3rd finger on the 3rd string/4th fret. Learn how to play E7 chord on your guitar. In chord progressions, the dominant seventh chord is often used just before the last chord, the tonic. Extended chords are used instead of triads for the i and iv chords. The notes in an E7 chord are E, G#, B, and D. The notes that the E7 chord consists of are E, G#, B, D. E Dom+5. JGuitar's handy chord search utility allows you to quickly draw chord diagrams for virtually any chord symbol. ) To illustrate, let’s dissect the fingering of the dominant E7#9 chord used in “Purple Haze” (see illustration above). Drill Down: find the first open guitar chords that a. Show Edim7 results in Chord Calculator. Third (ring) finger – 2nd fret of the G (3rd) string. E Dom7sus4. E5. Tìm hiểu Hợp âm guitar/ukulele: E7 - E dominant seventh - major chord with a minor 7 - Các note cấu thành: E G# B D - Cấu trúc quãng: R 3 5 m7. Each of these E7 chords are listed in standard chord charts. It’s based on the open E7 chord. E Diminished 7. Chord names. If any of the strings buzz or sound muted, then something is not right. E augmented 7th guitar chord is also written as Eaug7 or E7♯5 or E+7 or E7+5. . . For two common variations on the open Em7 chord, see Example 5b. Chord E7-5 notes: E, Bb, D and G#. «. (3rd string. If You Need Help With This Technique Then Go Here To Learn About An Effective Way To Tackle It Once And For All. Notice that there are only three chords throughout: A7, D7 and E7 (a I-IV-V in the key of A). This chord is an E7#9 and while this chord can be moved around, Hendrix typically played it in E to he could add the open Low E string for some vibe as seen in Purple Haze. E major E minor E5 E dominant 7th E major 7th E minor 7th E minor major 7th E suspended 4th E suspended 2nd E6 E minor major 6. View our E7 guitar chord charts and voicings in Standard tuning with our free guitar chords and chord charts. Start with a regular E, lift-off Finger 3, and you're there! The E7 Chord (alternate fingering)Just enter one or more chord symbols separated by commas into the search box and hit "Go" and JGuitar will draw chord diagrams for each of the chord symbols entered. Rich in texture and a touch of bluesy flair, the E7 is a chord you’ll want to familiarise yourself with. Play the E7 guitar chord. 3rd : G#. Each of these E7 chords are listed in standard chord charts. E Guitar Chord | How To Play The E7 Dominant Chord. Let’s embark on this melodious journey!A standard 12-bar blues progression in the key of A includes the chords A7, D7 and E7, so let’s now apply this approach to both the D7 and E7 chords. E7 - E dominant 7th guitar chord on fret five - E chords. Show. Movable Voicings The E7 chord—also known as “E Dominant 7″—is an E Dominant 7th chord that is an important guitar chord for you to know. Learn the E7 Guitar Chord from Easy to Follow Diagrams. To get Bm9 add C#. Voicings with Open Strings. Common abbreviations: E 7D Edom7D E dom7D. Extended chords are used instead of triads for the i and iv chords. He played it in his song "Purple Haze". These notes are at the scale degrees [5, 7, 2, and 4] of the A. E7/D chord diagram. Common abbreviations: Esus2 7 Esus2dom7 Esus2 dom7. Show E7sus results in Chord Calculator. E major is one of the easiest chords to play on the guitar, and as the lowest pitched major chord in standard tuning it carries considerable heft. Guitar Chord. )The Standard Barre Chord Shape For The E7 Guitar Chord. The #9 is essentially a b3rd only an octave. There are two types of thirds: major and minor. B melodic minor scale harmonized 7th chords. Just enter one or more chord symbols separated by commas into the search box and hit "Go" and JGuitar will draw chord diagrams for each of the chord symbols entered. All guitar chords chart: major. Show E7#9#5 results in Chord Calculator. The E dominant 7 chord is an extremely common guitar chord, it. Common abbreviations: E 7 Edom7 E dom7. For over 950,000 charts and voicings, grab an account . This works very well. Including E chord, Emaj7, Em, Em7, & E7. Em7. . E. E Guitar Chord | How To Play The E7 Dominant Chord. Place your 2nd finger on the 2nd string/3rd fret. Other guitar chords with E as the root note. Chords re-use many different fingering patterns or “shapes. This is a very clear, simp. Other dominant 7th chords are A7,. [Verse 2] C Am Well, your faith was strong but you needed proof C Am You saw her bathing on the roof F G C G Her beauty. F# Major Locrian. To avoid the long jump back to 1st position, you could choose to play the E7 (I) chord as XX675X. For over 950,000 charts and voicings, grab an account . Variations of the different fingerings of the E7 guitar chords are listed below. Written in tab format (main version in open position) -. Leave the second string open to ring out. Yellow. Variations of the different fingerings of the E7 guitar chords are listed below. Lastly, place your second finger on the second string eighth fret. Dedo 1, cuerda 3, traste 1. Put your 3rd finger on the 5th string, the A string.